Annabel & Bobby
Bobby White has taught Lindy Hop, Balboa, and Solo Jazz around the world for over a decade.
He is the author of the renown swing dance blog Swungover* and the book Practice Swing: A Choose Your Own Adventure Guide to Getting Better at Swing Dancing.
Annabel is known far and wide for her huge grins and prodigious laughter on the dance floor. Addicted to the communication and spontaneity of social dancing, she continued to delve into swing dances while at Penn State where she was introduced to Balboa, Blues dancing, and Collegiate Shag.

Kate & Nick
Kate Hedin and Nick Williams have competed and taught Balboa and Lindy Hop at numerous events around the world. Winning titles at the All Balboa Weekend and California Balboa Classic to name a few.
Known for their crisp technique and powerful showmanship, they look forward to giving excellent, value driven classes at this years New York City Balboa Weekend.
Kelly & Mickey
Mickey Fortanasce and Kelly Arsenault have been teaching, dancing and competing together since 2005. In the past 20 years their innovation and showmanship coupled with their love of both dance history and theory have led them to become internationally recognized Balboa teachers and competitors.

Connor & Amanda
Amanda and Connor hail from Washington D.C. and are honored to be a part of New York Bal Week. They have taught ongoing Balboa classes in DC, as well as swing dance workshops along the East Coast. Together with Mickey Fortanasce, they organize and teach at Stardust Slow Bal Weekend. They are also active competitors, having placed in open competitions at Lindy Focus, Great Lakes Balboa Escape and New York Balboa Week 2024.